كورس تعليم اللغة العربية لغير العرب let's learn arabic

إسطوانة ممتازة جداً لتعليم اللغة العربية بشكل كامل لغير العرب وشامل للقواعد والقرأة والإستماع والكثير
الإسطوانة موضحة بالرسوم ومبسطة جداً لتوصيل المعلومة بسرعة
الحجم : 320 ميجا بايت
(الكورس مرفوع علي 8 سيرفرات مختلفة)
باسورد فك الضغط : http://www.klamaraby.com/
كورس الكافي في تعلم اللغة الفرنسية
كورس الكافي في تعلم اللغة الفرنسية

الكورس عبارة عن 4 إسطوانات شاملة للكثير من الجوانب الخاصة بتعليم اللغة الفرنسية من الألف إلي مستوي متقدم ملحوظة : الإسطوانة الأولي تحتوي علي البرنامج التشغيلي للكورس وبدونها لن يمكنك تشغيل الكورس
منهج متكامل لتعليم اللغة الفرنسية.أعد خصيصاً للناطقين باللغة العربية.شرح مفصل للقواعد باالغة العربية.4 مستويات واختبارات متعددة.تم تأليف جميع أقسام البرنامج من قبل متخصصين في مجال التعليم وباعتماد المنهج الفرنسي واللكنة الفرنسية.شرح بالصوت لقواعد اللغة والمحادثة والقراءة والمفردات باللغتين.4 مستويات من البداية وحتى اتقان اللغة.اختبار شامل بعد كل مرحلة.
الاسطوانة الثانية
الاسطوانة الثالثة
الاسطوانة الرابعة
باسورد فك الضغط : klamaraby.com
كورسات Pimsleur Language Pack 35 Languages
Pimsleur Language Pack 35 Languages

تقنية جديدة مطورة من قبل الدكتور الأمريكي بول بيمسلور الذي أتقن عدة لغات منها الصينية و الروسية و اليونانية بالإضافة إلى اللغات الأوروبية كالفرنسية و الإيطالية و الألمانيةكما عرف بإتقانه اللسانيات في العديد من اللغات
كل مستوى لغوي تحتوي على 30 درس صوتي بحوالي نصف ساعة لكل درس و كتاب قراءة للدروس التي تتطلب القراءةو ينصح بالإستماع إلى درس واحد في اليوم مع لفظ الكلمات و الجمل المسموعة بصوت عال لتحسين النطق و لتذكر الكلمات بسهولة أكبر
اللغات التي تحتويها التجميعة
Pimsleur - Albanian - CompactPimsleur - Arabic (Eastern) IPimsleur - Arabic (Egyptian) IPimsleur - Armenian (Eastern) - CompactPimsleur - Armenian (Western) - CompactPimsleur - Chinese (Cantonese) IPimsleur - Chinese (Mandarin) IPimsleur - Chinese (Mandarin) IIPimsleur - Chinese (Mandarin) IIIPimsleur - Croatian - CompactPimsleur - Czech - CompactPimsleur - Danish - CompactPimsleur - Dutch - CompactPimsleur - Farsi - CompactPimsleur - French IPimsleur - French IIPimsleur - French IIIPimsleur - German IPimsleur - German IIPimsleur - German IIIPimsleur - German PlusPimsleur - GreekPimsleur - Haitian Creole - CompactPimsleur - Hebrew IPimsleur - Hindi - CompactPimsleur - Indonesian - CompactPimsleur - Irish - Quick & SimplePimsleur - Italian IPimsleur - Italian IIPimsleur - Italian IIIPimsleur - Japanese IPimsleur - Japanese IIPimsleur - Japanese IIIPimsleur - Korean - CompactPimsleur - Lithuanian - CompactPimsleur - Norwegian - CompactPimsleur - Ojibwe IPimsleur - Polish - CompactPimsleur - Portuguese (Brazilian) IPimsleur - Portuguese (Brazilian) IIPimsleur - Portuguese (Brazilian) IIIPimsleur - Portuguese (Continental) - CompactPimsleur - Romanian - CompactPimsleur - Russian IPimsleur - Russian IIPimsleur - Russian IIIPimsleur - Spanish IPimsleur - Spanish IIPimsleur - Spanish IIIPimsleur - Spanish PlusPimsleur - Swahili - CompactPimsleur - Swedish - CompactPimsleur - Swiss German - CompactPimsleur - Thai - CompactPimsleur - Twi - CompactPimsleur - Ukrainian IPimsleur - Vietnamese - Compact
الروابط و هي مرفوعة على 9 سيرفرات مختلفة بنفس التنسيق
كلمة فك الضغط : http://www.klamaraby.com/
LANGMaster Education 19 CD
LANGMaster Education 19 CD
19اسطوانة من LANGMASTER لتعليم الانجليزية (كورس رائع جدا )
13 الاسطوانة الاولى تحتوي على :
Number of CD-ROMs: 13
Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Platform: CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, Intranet
Localizations: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified and
Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French,
German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian,
Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian, European), Russian,
Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Vietnamese
Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French,
German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian,
Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian, European), Russian,
Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Vietnamese
LANGMaster COURSES are adapted from the popular
Heinemann Readers. These textbooks are designed for
English students from beginner to intermediate level.
They provide an authentic English context and help
improve the fluency and accuracy of your English.
Collins COBUILD Student's Dictionary - The only
completely recorded multimedia monolingual English
dictionary. You can listen to selected text read by
native English speakers. It helps you practice your
pronunciation. All the headwords including examples of
usage, inflected and derived forms are recorded by
professional speakers.
Highlited Features - Dictionary:
283,000 recorded words 50 hours of speech 40,000 definitions, 30,000 examples Grammar notes, examples, inflected and derived forms,
explanations, phrases, phrasal verbs All entries spoken by native English speakers Search by entry, grammatical form or phrase RE-WISE method
Highlighted Features - Courses:
Full story Useful words Practice with the story Voice recording & play back Integrated skills READING, LISTENING, SPEAKING, WRITING Interactive exercises Full color illustrations 20 types of educational activities Contextual link into the Collins COBUILD Student’s
Dictionary LANGMaster COURSES are enhanced with a number of
multimedia features that ordinary books do not have -
texts accompanied by sound, interactive exercises, a storybook cinema, and a number of full color
illustrative pictures.
Beginner Level
This level is intended for those students, who are able
to use simple sentences in the present or past tense and
who have at least a passive knowledge of forming
questions and negatives in English. The courses are also
suitable for children (10 years or older), for whom a
picture dictionary with some basic words is available.
For easier understanding the texts and exercises are
accompanied by many illustrations. Contains: The Long
Tunnel (John Milne), The Garden (Elizabeth Laird),
Dangerous Journey (Alwyn Cox), Rich Man Poor Man (T.C.
to use simple sentences in the present or past tense and
who have at least a passive knowledge of forming
questions and negatives in English. The courses are also
suitable for children (10 years or older), for whom a
picture dictionary with some basic words is available.
For easier understanding the texts and exercises are
accompanied by many illustrations. Contains: The Long
Tunnel (John Milne), The Garden (Elizabeth Laird),
Dangerous Journey (Alwyn Cox), Rich Man Poor Man (T.C.
Elementary Level
This level is intended for students, who are familiar
with the basic grammar and vocabulary but their
knowledge is mostly passive – they have problems
understanding native speakers and they recall needed
words with difficulty. The course will improve their
listening comprehension and pronunciation and will
activate and expand their vocabulary. Contains: The
Stranger (Norman Whitney), Room 13 and Other Ghost
Stories (M.R. James), The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar
Wilde), Riders of the Purple Sage (Sir Arthur Conan
with the basic grammar and vocabulary but their
knowledge is mostly passive – they have problems
understanding native speakers and they recall needed
words with difficulty. The course will improve their
listening comprehension and pronunciation and will
activate and expand their vocabulary. Contains: The
Stranger (Norman Whitney), Room 13 and Other Ghost
Stories (M.R. James), The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar
Wilde), Riders of the Purple Sage (Sir Arthur Conan
Intermediate Level
This level is intended for students, who have been
learning English for a number of years. They have a
large vocabulary and a good knowledge of grammar, but
they are still not satisfied with their ability. They are not
comfortable making phone calls in English and they need
to get the language under their skin. The native
speakers in the recordings speak more quickly and the
texts are more complicated. Contains: The Sign of Four
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), Dracula (Bram Stoker), The
Speckled Band and Other Stories (Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle), The Woman Who Disappeared (Philip Prowse).
Read books, but multimedia ones!Our computer rendition of the book is much like a real
book, you can turn the pages like in a real book. But
our book it is enhanced with many multimedia features
that an ordinary book does not have - texts accompanied by
sound, interactive exercises, a "cinema," and a number
of full-color illustrative pictures.
What you see is what you hear and vice versa!LANGMaster allows direct access to sound data. You can
listen to any part of the recorded text read by a native
speaker. You hear the text and read it at the same time.
You can choose from a variety of methods of practicing
pronunciation!You can record any sentence from the text using a
microphone and then compare your own pronunciation with that of a native speaker. If
you have the LANGMaster Collins COBUILD Dictionary
installed you can also practice the pronunciation of
individual words. There are also a number of exercises
accompanying the texts of the books that will help you improve your
learning English for a number of years. They have a
large vocabulary and a good knowledge of grammar, but
they are still not satisfied with their ability. They are not
comfortable making phone calls in English and they need
to get the language under their skin. The native
speakers in the recordings speak more quickly and the
texts are more complicated. Contains: The Sign of Four
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), Dracula (Bram Stoker), The
Speckled Band and Other Stories (Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle), The Woman Who Disappeared (Philip Prowse).
Read books, but multimedia ones!Our computer rendition of the book is much like a real
book, you can turn the pages like in a real book. But
our book it is enhanced with many multimedia features
that an ordinary book does not have - texts accompanied by
sound, interactive exercises, a "cinema," and a number
of full-color illustrative pictures.
What you see is what you hear and vice versa!LANGMaster allows direct access to sound data. You can
listen to any part of the recorded text read by a native
speaker. You hear the text and read it at the same time.
You can choose from a variety of methods of practicing
pronunciation!You can record any sentence from the text using a
microphone and then compare your own pronunciation with that of a native speaker. If
you have the LANGMaster Collins COBUILD Dictionary
installed you can also practice the pronunciation of
individual words. There are also a number of exercises
accompanying the texts of the books that will help you improve your
With the help of the RE-WISE method you will learn words
or phrases!The RE-WISE method is designed to help you build your
vocabulary. It was developed in co-operation with
experts researching problems of learning and on
mathematical modeling of the processes of learning and
forgetting. RE-WISE minimizes forgetting by scheduling revisions in strictly set time intervals,
monitors the forgetting curves and continuously adjusts the revision schedules to a
specific student and a specific fact.
All courses are linked to the LANGMaster Collins COBUILD
Student’s Dictionary! If you have the LANGMaster Collins COBUILD installed,
you can access the definition (appropriate for the
context of its use) of any word from the course or
practice its pronunciation. Only with the dictionary
will you be able to use all the features of the
LANGMaster courses.
الاسطوانة الاولى
الاسطوانة الثانية
الاسطوانة الثالثة
الاسطوانة الرابعة
الاسطوانة الخامسة
الاسطوانة السادسة
الاسطوانة السابعة
الاسطوانة الثامنة
الاسطوانة التاسعة
الاسطوانة العاشرة
الاسطوانة الحادية عشر
الاسطوانة الثانية عشر
الاسطوانة الثالثة عشر
4 اسطوانات تحتوي على :

Number of CD-ROMs: 4
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Platform: CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, Intranet
Localizations: Czech, English, German, Hungarian
Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak and
Highlighted Features:
Italian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak and
Highlighted Features:
Speech recognition Voice analyses Live interviews with well-known personalities Complete s of spoken texts and their translations British and American English and also English spoken by
non-native speakers Emphasis on listening and comprehension Detailed dictionary of language used Exercises on listening, writing, vocabulary, grammar
and pronunciation skills Teaching material graded according to level of
difficulty Detailed dictionary of language used Suggestions for teachers Technology Click & See and Say & See for easy and
effective studying.
non-native speakers Emphasis on listening and comprehension Detailed dictionary of language used Exercises on listening, writing, vocabulary, grammar
and pronunciation skills Teaching material graded according to level of
difficulty Detailed dictionary of language used Suggestions for teachers Technology Click & See and Say & See for easy and
effective studying.
الاسطوانة الرابعة عشرة
الاسطوانة الخامسة عشرة
الاسطوانة السادسة عشرة
الاسطوانة السابعة عشرة
الاسطوانة الرابعة عشرة
الاسطوانة الخامسة عشرة
الاسطوانة السادسة عشرة
الاسطوانة السابعة عشرة
اخر اسطوانتين تحتوي على :

Number of CD-ROMs: 2
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Platform: CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, Intranet
Localizations: Chinese (Simplified), Czech, English
French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian,
Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese
Highlighted Features:
French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Romanian,
Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese
Highlighted Features:
The LANGMaster TOEFL® materials provide a total
solution for students' preparation for the TOEFL®
examination through a series of interactive tests with
diagnostic feedback. The pioneering "dual publishing" approach is used which
among other things makes possible a regular update of
data using the Internet. The student can sit each of the tests under the same
conditions as those of a real examination, including
time stress and test score evaluation. Based on the student's actual performance in the tests
taken, an Intelligent Personal Planner draws the
student's attention to his or her individual weaknesses
and suggests checkpoint texts for further study and
exercises for remedial action – a process which leads to
enhanced scoring in future tests. An integral 'Notebook' feature acts not simply as
location for notes but provides a forum for individual
planned learning.
The Heinemann ELT TOEFL® Preparation Course includes:
A complete diagnostic test Two complete practice tests 68 checkpoints with practice exercises for each TOEFL
skill Checkpoint tests for each TOEFL exam section Additional listening, grammar and vocabulary sections
for extra practice
skill Checkpoint tests for each TOEFL exam section Additional listening, grammar and vocabulary sections
for extra practice
The Heinemann ELT TOEFL® Practice Tests includes:
Five complete practice tests Test-taking strategies Annotated answers to all tests
الاسطوانة الثامنة عشرة
الاسطوانة التاسعة عشرة
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