كورس تعليم اللغة الفرنسية French in Action Basic Video Course
كورس تعليم اللغة الفرنسية French in Action Basic Video Course

الحجم : 3.3 جيجا بايت
French in Action is a French-language course developed by Professor Pierre Capretz of Yale University. The course includes workbooks, textbooks, and a 52-episode television series. The series — the best-known aspect of the course — was produced in 1987 by WGBH, Yale University, and Wellesley College, and funded by Annenberg/CPB, and has been aired frequently on PBS since then.
French info
French in Action est un cours de langue française mis au point par le professeur Pierre Capretz de l'Université de Yale. Le cours comprend des cahiers d'exercices, les manuels, et un 52-épisode de séries télévisées. La série - l'aspect le plus connu de la formation - a été produit en 1987 par WGBH, Yale University, et Wellesley College, et financé par l'Annenberg / CPB, et a été diffusé sur PBS souvent depuis.
The episodes are divided as follows
1. "Orientation"
2–4. "Genesis"
5. "Families"
6–7. "Portraits"
8. "Genealogy"
9–10. "Vacation in Brittany"
11–13. "Encounters"
14–16. "Getting Underway"
17–18. "In All Labor There Is Profit"
19–21. "Entering School Zone"
22–23. "Fishing for an Invitation"
24–26. "Bills of Fare"
27–31. "All Manner of Transportation"
32–35. "Residences"
36–40. "Entertainment"
41–42. "A Matter of Chance"
43–45. "Think Vacation"
46. "Getting Away"
47. "What Variety!"
48. "What Riches!"
49. "What a Nightmare!"
50. "More Variety, More Riches"
51. "Parade and Review"
52. "All's Well That Ends Well"
2–4. "Genesis"
5. "Families"
6–7. "Portraits"
8. "Genealogy"
9–10. "Vacation in Brittany"
11–13. "Encounters"
14–16. "Getting Underway"
17–18. "In All Labor There Is Profit"
19–21. "Entering School Zone"
22–23. "Fishing for an Invitation"
24–26. "Bills of Fare"
27–31. "All Manner of Transportation"
32–35. "Residences"
36–40. "Entertainment"
41–42. "A Matter of Chance"
43–45. "Think Vacation"
46. "Getting Away"
47. "What Variety!"
48. "What Riches!"
49. "What a Nightmare!"
50. "More Variety, More Riches"
51. "Parade and Review"
52. "All's Well That Ends Well"
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"Give Me 2 Minutes And I'll Show You How To Learn Real Latin American Spanish With A Learning Method That's Fast, Fun, Easy, and Guaranteed..."
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وتحتوي هذه المجموعة التعليمية علي العديد من الخصائص التي تجعلك متقن للغة الإيطالية
فهي تشرح لك القواعد كاملة , الحروف , الأرقام , محادثات من الحياه , تعليم النطق , ووووو إلخ
فهي تعتبر أفضل مجموعة لتعليم اللغة الإيطالية
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إسطوانة تعليم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية الجزء الرابع Focus on Grammar 4 Interactive
إسطوانة تعليم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية الجزء الرابع Focus on Grammar4 Interactive

Focus on Grammar 4 Interactive
الحجم : 178 ميجا بايت
The all-new Focus on Grammar 4 Interactive CD-ROM, by Margaret Bonner, Marjorie Fuchs, and Ellen Shaw, mirrors the syllabus of the textbook Focus on Grammar 4, now available in a newly revised third edition.
Clear, contextualized, and interactive, this CD-ROM program provides a communicative review of English grammar that covers all language skills through a comprehensive, motivating, and fun practice of the grammar points and skills introduced in the Focus on Grammar Student Book. Focus on Grammar Interactive is in five levels, introductory through advanced.
How to start: Interactive CD-ROM
1/ extract winrar. ( We have : CD ROM image, FOG_4_Interactive_LW.lic)2/ Use virtual drive mount to CD ROM image.3/Double click install.bat to install4/ click OK- next- select full5/ from: start/all programs/longmanCD ROMs Lab/FG 3 Interactive/administrator stool.6/ The box of "install Access file" appears, click browse to FOG_4_Interactive_LW.lic., click save.7/ A box appears "Installed successful". click OK8/Double click ICON FOG 4 on desktop, select " I don't wish to save my answer". click next.
إسطوانة تعليم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية الجزء الثالث Focus on Grammar 3 Interactive
إسطوانة تعليم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية الجزء الثالث Focus on Grammar 3

Focus on Grammar 3 Interactive
الحجم : 178 ميجا بايت
The Focus on Grammar Interactive CD-ROMs mirror the syllabus of Focus on Grammar and provide students the opportunity to practice interactively the grammar they are learning through the series. Clear, contextualized, and interactive, this five-level CD-ROM program provides a communicative review of English grammar that covers all language skills through a comprehensive, motivating, and fun practice of the grammar points and skills introduced in the Student Books.
How to start: Interactive CD-ROM
1/ extract winrar. ( We have : CD ROM image, FOG_3_Interactive_LW.lic)2/ Use virtual drive mount to CD ROM image.3/Double click install.bat to install4/ click OK- next- select full5/ from: start/all programs/longmanCD ROMs Lab/FG 3 Interactive/administrator stool.6/ The box of "install Access file" appears, click browse to FOG_1_Interactive_LW.lic., click save.7/ A box appears "Installed successful". click OK8/Double click ICON FOG 3 on desktop, select " I don't wish to save my answer". click next.
الحجم : 178 ميجا بايت
The Focus on Grammar Interactive CD-ROMs mirror the syllabus of Focus on Grammar and provide students the opportunity to practice interactively the grammar they are learning through the series. Clear, contextualized, and interactive, this five-level CD-ROM program provides a communicative review of English grammar that covers all language skills through a comprehensive, motivating, and fun practice of the grammar points and skills introduced in the Student Books.
How to start: Interactive CD-ROM
1/ extract winrar. ( We have : CD ROM image, FOG_3_Interactive_LW.lic)2/ Use virtual drive mount to CD ROM image.3/Double click install.bat to install4/ click OK- next- select full5/ from: start/all programs/longmanCD ROMs Lab/FG 3 Interactive/administrator stool.6/ The box of "install Access file" appears, click browse to FOG_1_Interactive_LW.lic., click save.7/ A box appears "Installed successful". click OK8/Double click ICON FOG 3 on desktop, select " I don't wish to save my answer". click next.
إسطوانة تعليم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية الجزء الثاني Focus on Grammar 2 Interactive
إسطوانة تعليم قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية الجزء الثاني Focus on Grammar 2 Interactive

الحجم : 156 ميجا بايت
The all-new Focus on Grammar 2 Interactive CD-ROM, by Samuela Eckstut and Heather Ordover, mirrors the syllabus of the textbook Focus on Grammar 2, now available in a newly revised third edition. Clear, contextualized, and interactive, this CD-ROM program provides a communicative review of English grammar that covers all language skills through a comprehensive, motivating, and fun practice of the grammar points and skills introduced in the Focus on Grammar Student Book. Focus on Grammar Interactive is in five levels, introductory through advanced. Features *Abundant contextualized exercises--including grammar, reading, listening, dictation, and speaking activities--provide students with extensive and meaningful lab practice. *Target structures are presented in full reading and listening passages to help students discover the grammar. *Dictation exercises provide students with controlled listening and writing practice. *Speaking exercises give students the opportunity for further oral practice of the vocabulary, grammatical structures, and themes introduced in the unit. *Review quizzes and and reports help students monitor their own progress and work.* Additional exercises for remedial practice are provided for each grammar point so that students can work on improving weaker areas. *A new From Grammar to Writing section provides students with additional writing practice based on unit topics, through a series of controlled practice leading to authentic pieces of writing that can be submitted for grading. *Automated feedback, such as hints and explanations, provides learner support and motivates students. *Engaging games provide fun opportunities to review key structures. *Additional support is provided by a wide range of easy-to-access resources, including grammar charts, grammar notes, glossaries, and appendices. System Requirements *Windows 2000 with Service 4 or XP *For Non-English Windows 2000 or XP systems, professional edition recommended *Pentium II processor 400+ MHz *128+ MB RAM (256 MB recommended) *16-bit graphics card *Monitor resolution of 800 x 600 or higher *Sound card, microphone, and speakers (Microphones plugged into USB ports are not supported) *10X CD-ROM drive *Disk space for saving student data (floppy, flash memory, hard drive) *Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher (Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher recommended) (Note: Netscape and AOL browser software software not supported. ) *Macromedia's Flash 8 and Shockwave 10, Apple's QuickTime 7, and Sun's Java 1.5.0_06 plug-ins (Note: If your computer does not have these plug-ins, they will be installed automatically when you install the course.) *Adobe Acrobat Reader 7
How to start: Interactive CD-ROM
1/ extract winrar. ( We have : CD ROM image, FOG_2_Interactive_LW.lic)2/ Use virtual drive mount to CD ROM image.3/Double click install.bat to install4/ click OK- next- select full5/ from: start/all programs/longmanCD ROMs Lab/FG 2 Interactive/administrator stool.6/ The box of "install Access file" appears, click browse to FOG_2_Interactive_LW.lic., click save.7/ A box appears "Installed successful". click OK8/Double click ICON FOG 2 on desktop, select " I don't wish to save my answer". click next.
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